
How to handle the certificate of laminated mineral resources for photovoltaic power station 1

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How to handle the certificate of laminated mineral resources in photovoltaic power station

In the process of filing, approval and approval, ground photovoltaic power stations and some distributed photovoltaic power stations need to handle project site selection opinions and land pre-trial. Before that, several key problems need to be solved, of which the more important is to handle the certificate of overburdened mineral resources. As the name suggests, the certificate of overlaying mineral resources means the certificate issued by the land and resources department to prove whether the land used by the project contains important mineral resources, including oil, coal, copper, iron and other mineral resources. In order to promote the protection and rational utilization of mineral resources, the state has issued relevant laws and regulations and stipulated the procedures for handling documents related to overlaying mineral resources. 1、 Overburden mineral resources inquiry the land and resources department stipulates that all construction projects must inquire about the overburden mineral resources before approving the land use. If the overburden mineral resources are found, the overburden mineral resources must also be evaluated. The audited inquiry or evaluation report shall be used as a necessary document for the land use approval. If the inquiry or evaluation of overburden mineral resources is not conducted, the application for construction land shall not be accepted. If the inquiry or evaluation has been conducted during the revision and adjustment of the overall land use plan, the inquiry or evaluation will not be conducted generally. 2、 The inquiry process shall be applied for from the land and resources department at the county and district level. After reporting level by level, the provincial land and Resources Information Center shall conduct specific verification. The specific process is as follows: the unit applying for construction land (land use unit) submits an inquiry application to the county and district level land and resources → The land and resources departments at the county and district levels shall report to the provincial land and Resources Information Center → The provincial land and Resources Information Center shall carry out specific verification and learn about the setting of mining rights from the municipal and county land and resources departments → The provincial land and Resources Information Center issued the survey report of overburden mineral resources → The provincial department shall review the investigation report. The following information shall be provided when applying for inquiry by land users: 1. Overlying mineral resources inquiry application form; 2. Land scope map of construction project based on topographic map. 3、 Query results and treatment methods 1. If there are no proved mineral resources or mining rights in the land scope and its affected area, the provincial department shall produce the supporting documents of uncovered mineral resources; 2. If there are no proved mineral resources within the scope of land use and the affected area, but there is a mining right, the land use unit shall first negotiate with the mining right holder and sign an agreement on the approval of overburden, and the provincial department shall show the supporting documents of important mineral resources that have not been overburdened; 3. If there are proved mineral resources reserves within the land use scope and its affected area or geological exploration shows important prospecting prospects, the overburden mineral resources must be evaluated on the basis of inquiry. 4、 The evaluation of overburden mineral resources shall be carried out according to the following procedures: the Provincial Department of land and resources shall notify the land use unit to be evaluated → The land use unit entrusts an appraisal unit with geological exploration qualification → The entrusted unit shall conduct the evaluation in accordance with relevant regulations and specifications and issue the evaluation report → The land use unit shall submit the evaluation report and the application data of overlying mineral resources to the provincial department for review → The provincial department shall examine and approve and issue the supporting documents on whether to agree to cover mineral resources (if it needs to be reported to the Ministry of land and resources for review, it also needs to be reported to the Ministry for review). To apply for overlaying mineral resources, the following materials shall be submitted: (1) an application for overlaying mineral resources; (2) Feasibility study report of construction project; (3) Agreement on approval of overburden signed by the land user and the mining right holder (when the overburdened mineral resources are provided with mining right); (4) Evaluation report of overburden mineral resources. 5、 If the registration of overburden mineral resources reserves is approved and agrees to overburden mineral resources, the land-use unit must go through the registration procedures of overburden mineral resources reserves at the provincial department while going through the land use approval procedures. The actual handling shall be subject to the provisions of the local land and resources department. Attachment: explanation of terms ownership of mineral resources and mining rights 1. Ownership of mineral resources mineral resources belong to the state, and the State Council exercises the state's ownership of mineral resources. The state ownership of surface or underground mineral resources shall not change due to the different ownership or use rights of the land to which they are attached. The state guarantees the rational development and utilization of mineral resources. 2. Mining right mining right refers to the right to use mineral resources, including exploration right and mining right. The former refers to the right to explore mineral resources within the scope of the exploration license obtained according to law; The latter refers to the right to mine mineral resources and obtain mining products within the scope specified in the mining license obtained according to law.

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